Monday, June 19, 2006

We have spots!!

yep - Chicken pox!!! I was just saying the other day that I wanted to rub Jess up against someone with them. Now she has them. And boy do they come out fast!!!!!!!!! She has heaps more this morning. Thankfully she is ok with it all at the moment. A little bit itchy but only the ones in her hair.

Isobel has her first Brownie outing tonight. She has only two more weeks of Pippins and then she is a Brownie. Can't wait.


At 10:14 AM, Blogger Penny said...

Gona need an ocean
Of calamine lotion....

Heh - hope they recover quickly. Seems like kids often do once the spots are out. I've never had them despite being exposed multiple times!

At 7:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a bit like you, once I've had this baby, anyone that's got em can come visit my kids. The sooner they get them the better.

But I do remember having a nasty case as a kid and how yukky they were. Hope she gets better soon!

At 10:15 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

OMG get well soon Jess

At 10:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh no ... will you be going to the crop on Saturday? or will you be staying home with the chicken pox ..

At 8:21 AM, Blogger Michelle said...

Oh no poor Jess:(

Jenna hasn't had the yet but could I bring her around to your place so she can get them before she goes to school in 4 weeks lol!!!


At 8:14 AM, Blogger lucy said...

Thanks ladies for your comments.

She is doing really well and doesn't seem to be too bothered by them except for the itching in her hair.

At 10:36 AM, Blogger Rach H said...

hey lucy
hows it going with all the spots??
Hope you haven't got them?
Hows the house hunting + selling going or not a good question??
hope you are surving the cold weather (nothing like a nice rum to warm ya up ;) + keeping out of trouble??


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