Sunday, May 07, 2006

Ok so I did this huge big blog entry

and somehow it got lost in cyberspace. LOL Nothing very exciting. Just a 'ticking off' things from the 'to do' list LOL

We had such a beautiful day that I just had to wash absolutely everything, including the inside of the house. The only thing that didn't get done was the outside of the windows and well.........that can just wait. I did suggest a few times that I needed to get that done but hubby was ignoring me or not receiving the subtle hints LOL

It was so nice we took the girls on a HUGE walk. Its so great now that Isobel can ride without the training wheels and she can now ride for longer distances. We ended up at school and somehow I have volunteered for helping cooking indian food on Tuesday. Not sure how that happened and what the heck are the teachers lurking around school on a Sunday for!!!!!!!!! lol We also stopped at an open home just down the road on the way back. Huge house. Will be interesting to see what it goes for. The main thing I didn't like was the oven. Not big enough to even put a roast chicken in that one LOL The rest was nice tho. So wish we had put different carpet down in this house. LOL

Nice relaxing family day at home. I think I am almost ready for Monday. Almost!!

c u


At 6:44 AM, Blogger lianne said...

It was a nice day yesterday Lucy. Cool you got so muach done and went for a nice walk. Emma and I went shopping after we got all the housework done. Was a successful day for us too.

At 10:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey what a busy day! Didn't we have such gorgeous weather ... just right for outside busy-ness.

At 7:16 AM, Blogger nic said...

awwwwwman!!! Could have met you at the school for a ride around! Except Braden was sick and Abby was asleep. LOL


At 8:24 AM, Blogger Michelle said...

Wow sounds like you got alot done on I stayed in bed nursing a head cold.


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