Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I know I know - smacking bad blogger fingers

Sorry bout that RUTH!! lol I know I have been AWOL but I kinda got blogged down over the holidays LOL

We all survived. There were a few days where I thought that might not happen but after some big 'chats' with Miss 7 about attitude and respecting family, we actually enjoyed the last week. Took the girls to Bad Jelly the Witch on the weekend. It was live theatre at the Civic in town. They loved it!!! I must admit to having a few good laughs as well. Just a little something different.

Also my courier finally arrived - well no it didn't! I got the parcel at the post office ticket in my mail box and I had to go and get it!! Ah well, after 4 weeks who can complain LOL Had a huge clearout yesterday of all the papers and cardstock that I have been storing (I say storing cause I haven't been using it LOL) and filled up the girls craft box. WOW that felt good. Got rid of all those of-course-I-will-use-this-tiny-bit-of-cardstock pieces and now need to work out a way of storing my colours better so that I can see them nicely LOL. Its all about storage.

We had been trying to get Jess on to the little two wheel bike with the training wheels for ages but she just has not been interested, which means of course that she can't keep up with the big kids when they are riding their bikes. So we were having coffee (and the yummiest muffins ever) at Tracys the other day and she jumped on their old trike and off she went. She is now the proud owner of her own delightful yellow trike and is riding it everyday.

Right back to routine, work, after school activities (actually the work bit didn't stop over the hols lol) and normal life. Isobel starts swimming lessons this afternoon. Please let there not be the hail (Nic reckons it was snow) storms from yesterday, cause its a half covered indoor pool!!!!!!!!!!


At 9:42 AM, Blogger Tracy said...

Yay!!! Your crate paper arrived!!!

We need a photo of the new trike.

Good luck for swimming lessons tonight, it could have been worse you could have been going last night, bbbbrrrrr!

At 9:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL about time!! and what have you done with the new crate paper then??? show us!
hope the swimming went well.

At 6:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay Lucy's back. Hope the swimming went well.


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