Come on postie
Bring me Elsie!! lol ok Ruth, you are on. Lets see who gets her first. Nics arrived today so *raspberry to her lol*
Back to routine this morning. Love that kindy routine now. Jess just says 'you can go mum' *shrug*. I will get over it, I promise LOL And it was kinda nice to have a chat with Isobel on the walk home this afternoon instead of them both wanting my attention or her running off ahead. Nice! truely!!
Happy birthday to the wonderfully talently, amazing mum EVANA!! I wont sing for ya honey LOL But hope you are having an awesomely fantastical day chick.
It rained and rained yesterday and then just for a change it rained again. Has been fine most of today but I can see the spits on the window now and the weather man says it is going to get nasty again. It was nice tho to have a home day yesterday, watch some dvds with the kids, play some board games (yatzee and candyland LOL) and spend some family time. Oh and thanks Nic for the slow walk yesterday in the rain and the fast long walk on Sunday. I am still aching but am walking thru the pain LOL And yes I deserved that raspberry licorice twist thing LOL
And yes Karen I think you might be right. There really is not such thing as 'guilt free' scrapping but we can kinda deceive ourselves LOL It's like 'guilt free no calorie negative fat' chocolate. Yep sure it exists LOL
come on Elsie!!!
LOL on the Elsie book heeheehee I got mine, must be why I am scrapping up a storm lately.
My washing that has been on the line all weekend finally dried today, yay. And Emma said she saw Isobel at the Video shop so guess we had a similar day to you guys yesterday. Good on you for doing the walking thing in the rain too!
Hope Elsie arrives soon!! And good on you for walking in the rain. So much for an early summer eh ...
Heh - makes ya feel real good when they "dismiss" you eh? Still.. at least she's settled in nicely!
so has your book arrived? slow post in Puke eh.........mine arrived way back in August!!
good to read you are busy + keeping out of trouble eh!!
are you going to camp?
Have you received anything by courier yet Lucy?
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