Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Day two of the school holidays

and I feel that I am barely coping. I know it shouldn't be like that. Ever feel that way?? The girls are finding everything to argue about, even when they are playing quietly away from each other, one has to go and interupt after a few seconds and I find myself just waiting for the next round. Needless to say it has been a little stressful these last couple of days. And we have been out doing odd jobs and all sorts too. Tomorrow we are off to see Over the Hedge, and I am looking forward to it. Love going to the kids movies. Great reason to have kids LOL nah just kidding.

I am trying to get a mini album made for my SIL who just had her first baby in the UK. Its comming together (when I get the chance to play lol) and I am getting used to the blue and the bright colours of BG oh baby boy! Actually I quite like them for a change. Thanks to Nic who came to my rescue the other night when I realised that the lettering I wanted to use was pink LOL and I didn't have any blue paint either. All done and looking cool.

Up side for today was that my US order arrived and I have some lovely new C/Box papers to play with. I also bought the Rhonna Farrier swirly stamps (cause swirls seem to be in at the moment and I just HAD to have them). Looking forward to having a play with those too. I'm usually buying things at the end of a trend so I am quite pleased with myself that I made this purchase DURING a trend LOL

Hope all those with school hols are having a wonderful time. Our hols will get better I am sure of it. I am going to be more positive tomorrow and not sweat the small stuff LOL


At 9:04 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

Hi Lucy
You know where I am if you ever need to get out of the house, lol.
We are off to see Cars tommorrow so may see you at Botany if that is where your going.

At 9:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrats on the swirly stamps ... you probably start a whole new trend or a new rush on the trend ... just delayed!

At 11:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh so hear you about the arguing. My two hardly used to and have now discovered they have their own minds. In the process I'm loosing mine. LOL! Hope you have a better rest of the week.

At 9:25 AM, Blogger Roo said...

Good on yopu for being 'in' the trend and not at the end lol
Hope your kids are settling down a bit - I only have the one so he can only argue with me argh!

At 6:39 PM, Blogger Rach H said...

hye i thought i better give you some loving on the blog!!......
are you suriving??........made it through the first week???
I can't believe how fast it has gone.
hope the house hunting is going OK??
OK I'm off to drink that bottle of red wine + scrap!!
ps thanks for the BD wishes :)

At 11:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay I did what you asked LOL and there's one more vote for Evana's HS layout .. do all NZ scrapbookers get to share her prize if she wins????


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