Saturday, September 24, 2005

Countdown to school hols

WOW!!!!!!!! Where did the end of that week go?????? Before I knew it we are into school holidays. WW whale in was great, infact fantastic, for my fellow slimmer and I. WTG Nic, you did great. Did I tell you that you are the face of quilt in my house if I ever think 'mmmmmmmm maybe just one chocolate biscuit?' LMAO Couldn't do it without you. Well I tipped the scales 2.2kgs lighter than the week before. I was amazed and am still not sure where those four and bit packets of butter have come from or gone LOL Roll on next Thursday, I am no longer afraid of you ww scales LOL. Oh and I promise not to cry this time *embarrased*.

The end of the week was very busy with unexpected babysitting. It was great to catch up on housework and downtime today. Spent sometime gardening as its the first day with NO rain in over a week. Not that I have anything to complain about. We've been watching the approach of Hurricane Rita on CNN and our thoughts are with all those affected. Frightening stuff!

The MM Masters have been announced and congrats to all those in the top 10, and to all those chosen as runners up. Well done. *phew*

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Tomorrow is whale in

Kinda nervous about it too LOL. I know that my jeans are getting looser but .......................... we shall see what the scales say tomorrow. And this week has been disgusting for walking, what with gale force winds and horrizontal rain. I think I have a picture of the rain somewhere that I will try to attach.

Bring it on scales!!!!! aye Nic?????

Monday, September 19, 2005

Its HAILING out there for goodness sake

You silly little Mercury Energy Salesman!!!!!!!!!!! And its like 6 degrees!!!!!!! What are you doing going house to house trying to get people to change their energy supplier at this time of night and in this weather!!!!!!! No thank you was definately the answer from this front door when I opened it and received an icy blast. Go home...........have a nice warm bath and hang up your salesmans jacket!!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Day four

And I am starting to get the hang of this points counting. Nic has been such a fantastic help and I don't think I would have made the first few days without her. Nice to know that someone else around the corner is lacking in chocolate too LOL But it hasn't really been as hard as I thought. There is so much 'free' food that you can just bulk up your meals with. The hardest thing is not picking out of the lollie/chocolate stash (which is still there btw lol) and not having so many sauces. YUM I am a sauce freak!!!!!!! Its such a cold and windy day here that I have just made a whole pot of 'free' vege soup (although I have added one small potato so that will make each serving about a quarter of a point LMAO). I'm now trying to con hubby into going out in the rain to get a french stick to go with it. And that will make lunch about 2 1/2 points. WAHOOO Might just get to sneak in that piece of chocolate this evening YUMMY. The hardest thing has been not telling anyone. The main reason is that my hubby wont understand how it works. Hes a calorie counter, you know the type. Although his diet has changed alot at the moment as he is doing the 12 week challenge at the gym. This means that he is basically eating brown rice, chicken, tuna, red meat, a few veges and porridge and thats it. The rest comes from drinking protein shakes and taking pills. Very limiting. Anyway the most exciting part of my day has been the fact that the scales actually moved in a downwards direction this morning. So bring on Thursday and whale in day. I'm actually kinda excited.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Awesome day

We had a family day today and my SIL is leaving to go back to the UK tomorrow. Spent part of the morning at the Waterfall Cafe and Gardens. Its great, although looks much prettier in the summer when all the waterlillies are out. Its an old quarry that they have turned into these gorgeous gardens. The girls love it (although its hard to get them not to run around up the top - huge drop down to the bottom of the quarry) and we had a few heart in the mouth moments. They have alot of little areas set up for different themes and also most of the ponds have goldfish, turtles or eels in them. (something to keep the girls interested in LOL) Then we had a lovely lunch in the cafe. Its really nice.

After that we decided to head out to the Rescue Zoo Park. A few years ago it was really run down and the animals were in such poor condition that some had to be put down. It was then sold to a guy who trains animals for tv and movies and the animals are now being well looked after. The grounds themselves are still quite shabby and run down, but I guess it must cost alot of money to look after them all. They have lots of monkeys, a pig called pumkin lol, two lions, a serval, an otter with only one eye, heaps of birds, ducks, deer, donkeys, emus, sheep, goats, dogs and one zebra. The girls just loved it!!!!! Most of the ducks, doves and chickens will eat out of your hand, which they thought was fantastic. I can't wait to see what they do with the park. They have some big ideas and I do hope that they are able to achieve them. They take in all sorts of animals that have been mistreated and that in itself is a very worthy cause.

Well I did it!!!!!

I did it alright!!!!!!!!! I whaled in at weight watchers!!!!!! OMG Heavier than I thought (I used to hate my scales, now they aren't so bad compared to the weight watchers ones LOL) Got all my little books and dvd etc, but absolutely no help from the ladies there. Still not sure what my goal weight is. Guess I will just have to choose a number that I am happy with LOL. They did give me one, but it is the top of the range for my height and not really a challenge to me. 10kg off would be more my goal, that sounds good. Thanks so much to Nic for filling in all the blanks (and there have been many) concerning the points system. Haven't read my little book cover for cover yet, but I am working on that. Have done ok by the points today and am actually half a point under, and I don't feel hungry. Am full of lettuce tho LOL Well that is day one. Roll on thinner thighs and no/little tummy bulge.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

shhhhhhhhh keep it to yourself

But I spashed out and bought the latest womens mag with the free join Weight Watchers voucher in it. Now that doesn't mean that I am going to use it LOL But sitting here tonight with the middle bulge petering very dangerously on the waistband of my jeans, I realise that I really really really need to do something drastic before summer gets here. I have been promising myself all year to take care of the tummy and get rid of the jelly belly, but just haven't managed to do it. So............ I have another week until the voucher expires. mmmmmmmmm I really want to do this for ME, so if I get off my rather large butt and make it to my first meeting, I will be doing this without telling hubby or family. mmmmmmmmmmm let me think on that for a few more days, while I finish off the lollies on my scrapping desk.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Sad, I know

But I am addicted to 'Desperate Housewives'. LOL That and ER which has finished at the mo. I'm really enjoying it. I like that who-dun-it and what-did-they-do kinda thing. With the added humour and sexy guy. Last night was a good one and I was totally engrossed. Hubby got a 'grunt' and 'dinners in the microwave' when he got home half way thru. LOL

Well I hope the weather improves a bit today. First sign of rain in over a week (and I watered the garden yesterday LOL). Luckily I got all the sheets washed and dried.

Right off for coffee group which is really just a chance to chat, drink coffee and eat lots of lovely homebaking, usually covered in chocolate!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

I wanna be like Nic LOL

Just doing as I was told!!!!!! (trying to teach my children how to do this is another matter LMAO)

1. What is your occupation? Stay at home mum/scrapbooker
2. What are you listening to right now? The whirrrrrrrrrr of my computer
3. What was the last thing you ate? Jaffas
4. Do you wish on stars? Sometimes
5. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? blue
6. How is the weather right now? gorgeous day but its dark now lol
7. Last person you spoke to on the phone? uuuummmmmmmm not really sure
8. Do you like the person who sent this to you? She didn't send it to me, but sure!! shes ok LOL
9. Favorite drink? Rum
10. Favorite sport(s) to watch? Rugby/league (something to be said about those shorts)
11. Have you ever dyed your hair? Not in the last week lol
12. Do you wear contacts or glasses? No
13. Pets? yep
14. Favorite Month? April
15. Favorite Food(s): chocolate, mashed potatoe
16. What is the last movie you watched? Some silly chick flick that hubby got for me to watch cause he was feeling quilty about going to the game LOL Kinda wish he hadn't bothered
17. Favorite day of the year? Christmas Eve
18. What was your favorite toy as a child? can't remember it was too long ago lol
19. Fall or Spring? ummm Autumn
20. Hugs or kisses? Any at the moment, they are in short supply lol
21. Cherry or blueberry? Chocolate
22. Do you want your friends to email you back? Nope. Still trying to work out which question Nic added LOL
23. if you were a colour of bazzill, what would it be? Sail
24. If you were a brand of paper, what would it be? Ahhhhhhhhh so this is the question that she added LOL
25. When was the last time you cried? today when my computer crashed
26. What is on the floor of your closet? Boxes of toys
27. . Who is the friend you've had the longest? OMG I dont know!
28. What did you do last night? Went out for dinner.
29. What is your Favorite Smell? Nothing at the moment cause its hayfever season lol
30. What inspires you? sleep
31. What are you afraid of? lots of things
32. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburger? Cheese but would prefer a kebab
33. Favorite car? Ford explorer
34.Favorite dog breed? Beagle
35. Number of keys on your key rings? 5
36. How many years at your current job? at home??? nearly three years
37. How many states have you lived in? none
38. How many cities have you lived in? a few
39. What is your all time favorite movie? 6th Sense, Lord of the Rings (those orcs scare the crap out of me LOL)