Sunday, September 18, 2005

Day four

And I am starting to get the hang of this points counting. Nic has been such a fantastic help and I don't think I would have made the first few days without her. Nice to know that someone else around the corner is lacking in chocolate too LOL But it hasn't really been as hard as I thought. There is so much 'free' food that you can just bulk up your meals with. The hardest thing is not picking out of the lollie/chocolate stash (which is still there btw lol) and not having so many sauces. YUM I am a sauce freak!!!!!!! Its such a cold and windy day here that I have just made a whole pot of 'free' vege soup (although I have added one small potato so that will make each serving about a quarter of a point LMAO). I'm now trying to con hubby into going out in the rain to get a french stick to go with it. And that will make lunch about 2 1/2 points. WAHOOO Might just get to sneak in that piece of chocolate this evening YUMMY. The hardest thing has been not telling anyone. The main reason is that my hubby wont understand how it works. Hes a calorie counter, you know the type. Although his diet has changed alot at the moment as he is doing the 12 week challenge at the gym. This means that he is basically eating brown rice, chicken, tuna, red meat, a few veges and porridge and thats it. The rest comes from drinking protein shakes and taking pills. Very limiting. Anyway the most exciting part of my day has been the fact that the scales actually moved in a downwards direction this morning. So bring on Thursday and whale in day. I'm actually kinda excited.


At 10:38 PM, Blogger nic said...

GO US!!! I have to say that I am finally a little more accepting of the fact that I am doing WW again.. those 1st 3 days were tough!!! may the scales continue to move downwards and may summer not seem so intimidating anymore.


At 11:08 AM, Blogger Michelle said...

Well done Lucy, it gets easyer as you go along.

At 1:47 PM, Blogger lianne said...

Go Lucy and Nic and Michelle. Keep it up.


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