Tuesday, November 28, 2006


You all know what I am talking about right. Well now there is the new freddo with the lollies inside. ah huh!! lollies INSIDE and he is bigger too. YUMMO

One little question tho, why is there a 'use by' date on the bottom??? HUH?? Its Freddo!! anyone gonna keep him lying around for long??? silly silly silly freddo making people


At 10:07 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

LOL I have seen them calling me at the checkout at Paknsave, haven't bought one yet though, still craving those Moro gold bars, they have them in fun packs now!

At 11:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL silly freddo .. silly freddo-makers :-)

At 10:03 AM, Blogger Penny said...

*rumble rumble* <-- noise of a horde of scrappers heading to PaknSave.


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