I have moved!!
nah not house LOL but blogs. I am now over here - http://kiwipealucy.wordpress.com/ come visit me some time and say hi and let me know that my site meter works LOL
I'm a SAHM with two gorgeous girls, a wonderful hubby and contented cat. I thought life was busy enough but then I got introduced to scrapping and blogging, and now there aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done LOL
nah not house LOL but blogs. I am now over here - http://kiwipealucy.wordpress.com/ come visit me some time and say hi and let me know that my site meter works LOL
the worst part is the dumb painting. Painting painting painting. 3 days of painting!! I am sick of painting LOL Oh and I have now decided that the white around the skirting, door frames and window frames is too bright and I don't like it. LOL Guess tomorrow will bring more painting LOL Well we still have the ceilings to finish and the doors to start. Ho hum. A little bit of advice, if you are planning on decorating PAY FOR A PAINTER!! Truely they are worth every penny. Unfortunately for us there are no pennies left to pay for one LOL
Well the bit that I was dreading the most is over. The gib stoppers were sanding yesterday and thanks to the advice of some friends, a huge sheet of plastic taped to the wall and ceiling, and the stoppers handy dandy sandy machine that sucks up most of the dust it wasn't actually too bad. We managed to keep most of the dust to the renovation. And then hubby and I spent a couple of hours cleaning up. Gave up on the very far end as there are no lights down there and it was after Greys started LOL So have that to finish this morning. Also they will be back to put up the coving some time today. But that wont make too much mess. So YAY!! now onto the painting!!!!!