Tuesday, February 07, 2006

School is back

And it seems like such a long time ago that we were soaking up the sun at the beach. *sigh* Back into that school and after school activities routine. Isobel was so happy to be going to see her friends that she almost bounced all the way there. LOL very cute and I am very grateful that she enjoys school so much that she is so excited about it.

It is another scorching hot day here and my temp thingy says 25 degrees. Lovely!!!!!!! All the jobs are done, the washing is out, dinner made (YEP its made lol) and number 2 is watching Hi5. The weatherman got it right yesterday. They said hot and sunny with the chance of afternoon thunderstorms. Heres a pic of us outside enjoying some water play (hubby and I were sitting under the umbrella enjoying something cool and refreshing LOL when out of the blue blue sky these huge raindrops started falling and then we heard the rolls of thunder. We only got just the very edge of the thunderstorm. Hubby suggested to the girls that they would be able to catch the raindrops on their tongues. This is the result. LOL


At 9:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your dh's suggestion to catch raindrops on their tongue reminds me of my Dad. Always up to happy mischief, always fun to be with :-) I miss him heaps.

At 1:24 PM, Blogger lianne said...

Lucy I thought they were shouting till I read they were catching raindrops. Cute as photo.

At 8:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So when did you create a blog and not share the link around huh huh! I am disgusted girl. Loved the read. I will be wathing....lol

huge hugs


At 7:52 AM, Blogger nic said...

Cool pic! I thought they were shouting too.
Another glorious day today...


At 4:42 PM, Blogger Yolande said...

LOL Lucy thats a funny photo can't wait to see ya scrap that...


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